PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5
Press the “F4” key to open the menu and use the numpad keys to navigate and choose things.
Animation Options
Animations which can be looped. (The Input Custom Animation format goes
like this-“animDict,animfile” without the quotation marks.)
-Change Movement Style.
Audio Options
-Over 50 Unique-To-Model Playable Speeches which can also be played through a megaphone.
-Change Voice of the Player.
-Mobile Radio.
-Change to the next radio track on your current radio station.
-Spawn any model in the game to be your bodyguard(s).
-Change the appearance of your last spawned bodyguard with any of its available model options.
-Add hats-glasses-masks to your bodyguard with the accessories option.
-Give your bodyguard any weapon.
-Add-Remove Blip so you could keep track of your bodyguard on the radar.
-Set Invincible-Vulnerable if you do-don’t want them to die.
-Give Current Weapon will always give them the weapon you have currently equipped.
-Change the Group Formation and Spacing to have a unique fighting style.
-Delete the last spawned bodyguard.
-Dismiss all bodyguards.
-Become an assassin and kill the target for a randomized amount of cash.
Misc Options
-Spawn a random bodyguard who will have your current weapon when spawned.
-Recruit the nearest ped with the current weapon you have.
-Resurrect a target ped back to life and they will thank you.
-Spawn a random ped to do whatever with.
-Call the police if someone is attacking you or if you just want to kill some pigs.
-Call Merryweather Mercenaries to protect you from any hostiles on your current location.
Player Options
-Change to any model in the game.
-Change the appearance of your player with any of its available model options.
-Add hats-glasses-masks to your player with the accessories option.
-Adjust health, add-remove armor, or toggle invincibility.
-Set a Cash Value to spawn cash. and make it rain.
-Adjust wanted level, clear it, or become never wanted.
-Become invisible.
-Enable most of the player cheats such as explosive melee, super jump, etc.
-Kill yourself with a pill or pistol if times are tough.
Teleport Options
-Teleport 2 feet in front of you.
-Teleport to the way point in the blink of an eye.
Vehicle Options
-Spawn any vehicle in the game.
-Customize it with the Mini Los Santos Customs option aka Customization.
-Add invincibility, hookers, become a passenger, and more with Extras.
Weapon Options
-Give the player any weapon from the game.
-Set ammo type such as fire bullets, explosive bullets, etc.
World and Game Options
-Toggle Night Vision-Thermal Vision.
-Hide the HUD to take screenshots or whatever.
-Apply a timecycle modifier.
-Adjust traffic-ped multipliers.
-Become a weatherman and change the weather.
Changes in v1.1
– Fixed values changing TOO fast.
– Fixed menu opening with controller.
– Fixed component changer to only change to valid components.
Readmore: PC Trainer V 1.1 for Gta 5 PC